I. Basic properties of Acid Blue 260 DyesAcid Blue 260 Dyes is an azo dye with a bright blue hue. Its molecular formula is C31H26N3O6S-.Na+ and its mo...
In the vast world of textile dyes, Blue NHF-S is the leader among blue dyes due to its unique properties and wide range of uses. It not only meets the...
In the world of textile dyes, Weakly Acidic Violet N-FBL has become a favorite of many textile companies and designers for its unique properties and w...
RED NHF-S, as a chemical substance, will inevitably interact with the environment during its production process, so there are potential environmental ...
Acid Red 315, as an organic synthetic dye, belongs to the category of azo dyes and has a series of unique chemical properties.
1. Basic physical prope...
1. Acid-base stabilityStability under acidic conditions: Acid Red 315 shows strong stability under acidic conditions. This means that in an acidic env...
1. Dyeing characteristicsSolubility and stabilityAcid Violet 48 is a caramel-colored powder with excellent solubility, especially at high temperatures...
As a high-performance metal complex dye, Red NHF-S is designed for high-end textiles such as nylon, nylon microfiber and nylon/cotton blends. Its dyei...